Life Science Insurance and Risk Management

Insuring the advancement of medicine.

We’re passionate about science, and we’re committed to your success. That’s why we were one of the first brokers to enter the life science field over 20 years ago and have expanded this area of our expertise ever since. That’s why we participate in industry conferences studying the latest advancements. That’s why you’ll know you’re not just working with a broker but an innovation partner and an extension of your management team.

From Pre-Investigational New Drug Application (pre-IND) through commercialization, our clients and our professional experiences run the gamut. Whether you’re a small start-up, a mid-market player or a Fortune 500 company, our offering provides you with the complete range of services you require. Our approach has been tested and proven successful time and again by companies just like yours.

Specific Areas of Life Science Expertise

  • Comprehensive claims management and safety programs
  • Primary and Excess Casualty and Property coverages
  • Executive and Management liability
  • Research and development
  • Human clinical trials (US + Foreign)
  • Errors and omissions
  • Medical malpractice
  • Non-damage business interruption
  • Product recall
  • Cyber Liability
  • Global Fronting Programs
  • Global marine transit and supply chain
  • Integrated Risk Programs

Highlighted Life Sciences Experience


A life science product manufacturer faced major litigation, but claims were denied by the insurance carrier. We reversed the denial and negotiated with the carrier to allow the manufacturer choice of counsel in the case. We’ve also helped numerous life science startups navigate risks related to IPO processes. And we have consistently improved coverage for contamination and spoilage exposures, which are often overlooked and underinsured.

Practice Leader

Daniel S. Brettler

Senior Partner, National Life Science & Technology Practice Leader

Practice Leader

Andrew Wagner

Senior Partner, Managing Account Executive, National Life Science & Technology Practice Leader

Timothy J. Gosnear, CPCU, AU

Executive Partner National Accounts