Thomas J. Merchel


Vice President, Governmental Risk Management Practice Leader

Tom Merchel serves as the Fund Risk Management Consultant to the Ocean County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund, the Professional Municipal Management Joint Insurance Fund, and the Monmouth Municipal Joint Insurance Fund. He also serves as the Risk Management Consultant to members of the Atlantic, Burlco, Camden, Garden State, Mid Jersey, NJUA, and Trico Joint Insurance Funds, as well as the Burlington County Insurance Commission.

Prior to joining Conner Strong & Buckelew, Tom worked for 26 years at the Township of Moorestown as the Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Manager and Township Manager. During that time, he participated in the management of over $200 million in capital projects, including the construction of a new municipal complex, three water treatment plants and major upgrades to a wastewater treatment plant.
While at Moorestown, he served as Commissioner and Chair to the Municipal Excess Liability Joint Insurance Fund (MEL), New Jersey Cyber Risk Management Joint Insurance Fund, and the Professional Municipal Management Joint Insurance Fund (PMMJIF). Tom was also the Commissioner to the Environmental Joint Insurance Fund (EJIF) and the Residual Claims Joint Insurance Fund (RCF). In his capacity as commissioner, he served on various subcommittees including MEL, EJIF and RCF Claims.
Additionally, Tom previously worked for 5 years as the Treasurer for Pennsauken Township and for 4 years as a municipal and school auditor for Bowman & Company.

Saint Joseph’s University – Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Minor in Finance

Professional Designations
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Certified Municipal Finance Officer (CMFO)
Certified Tax Collector (CTC)

Community Involvement
Tom is a member of the Moorestown Breakfast Rotary Club where he participates in various community events such as the Adopt-A-Park and school backpack programs. He also served on the executive board of the NJ Government Finance Officers Association. Additionally, he was a member of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants, NJ Tax Collectors and Treasurers Association and the Burlington County Tax Collectors and Treasurers Association.